These pictures are the property of Tom Neuhaus. You may use each as displayed on this site for free; please attribute the source (Tom Neuhaus, Project Hope and Fairness). For higher resolution, you can purchase the original for $5. To do this, visit and click the Donate button. Donate $5 per picture and then email me ( what pictures you want and I will send them back to you. Thank you in advance for donating cocoa farming tools to West African cocoa farmers by purchasing a picture.
Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from ,
Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit
Splash Cafe. Splash Cafe and its sister business,
Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and make the trips possible.

1) CampementWoman1.jpg
Woman living in campement (hamlet) near Batteguedea, Cote d'Ivoire. 2005.

2) CampementWoman2.jpg
Woman living in campement (hamlet) near Batteguedea, Cote d'Ivoire. 2005.

3) Kipre_Marguerita1.jpg
Marguerite Kipre on the way back from her rice field. This is one of my very favorite pictures--because she is such a beautiful person. There is so much life and love in her face. 2005. Batteguedea, Côte d'Ivoire.

4) YoungMother2.jpg
Young mother in Batteguedea, Cote d'Ivoire, 2005.

5) WomanCarrying.jpg
Woman walking back from her cocoa farm in the direction of Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2005.

6) Broguhe34.jpg
Mother and child in Broguhe, Cote d'Ivoire, 2006.

7) IMG_1910_YoungWomanwithBucket.jpg
Woman of Depa, Cote d'Ivoire. 2007.

8) P8200403_Washerwoman_Stan.jpg
Doing the wash. Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007.

9) P8200505_Breakfast.jpg
Breakfast is ready! Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007.

10) P8210010_3Women_Stan.jpg
Three young women of Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

11) IMG_1992_Pot02.jpg
The original water vessel. This is original pottery used to carry water. As you might expect, it is far heavier than plastic, which is currently used. Galebre, Côte d'Ivoire. 2007.

12) IMG_1378.jpg
Carrying a young banana tree Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2007.

13) IMG_1379.jpg
Woman of Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2007.

14) P8110014.jpg
Preparing breakfast in Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2007. Picture by Stan Thompson

15) P8110142.jpg
Woman carrying leaves, etc. in Gyaware, Ghana, 2007. Picture by Stan Thompson

16) P8110147_med.jpg
Woman carrying firewood in Gyaware, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

17) P8110168.jpg
Young woman in Gyaware, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

18) P8130295.jpg
Taking cassava fritters to market. Cape Coast, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

19) P8180495.jpg
Woman along the road to Accra, Ghana. 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

20) P8190566.jpg
Woman selling hard-boiled eggs. They're for consumption while you drive. They also give you a mixture of salt and spices that are twisted in little shreds of newspaper. Near Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire. Photo by Stan Thompson.

21) P8190603.jpg
Old woman selling things in Daloa, Côte d'Ivoire. Photo by Stan Thompson.

22) P8100102.jpg
Mother in Mmaniaye, Ghana. Photo by Stan Thompson.

23) P8100107.jpg
Woman in Mmaniaye, Ghana. Photo by Stan Thompson.

24) P8100148.jpg
Woman of Mmaniaye, Ghana. Photo by Stan Thompson

25) P8100152.jpg
Three Women of Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

26) P8100220.jpg
Woman carrying cassava or possibly African yam. Note the handle of the machete on top of the tubers. Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

27) P8100283.jpg
Woman in Adiyaw carrying tomatoes to market. Adiyaw, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

28) P8200395.jpg
Mother and Daughter, Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

29) P8200405.jpg
Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

30) P8200408.jpg
Mother Africa. Depa, Cote d'Ivoire. Photo by Stan Thompson

31) P8210014.jpg
The use of hair extensions is very popular. Depa, Cote d;Ivoire, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

32) Sweeping2.jpg
Sweeping is performed by women in the villages we visit. It usually begins at 5 AM. The sweeper is a bundle of sticks from a certain palm tree. Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

33) Abekro03.jpg
A woman of Abekro, Côte d'Ivoire.