Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from , Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit Splash Cafe. Splash Cafe and its sister business, Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and make the trips possible.

1) ChopHouseGCutterFufu.jpg
Fufu with Grasscutter (aka Cane Rat). Ghanaians make futu with cassava. Ivorians make it mostly with plantain.

2) JollofRiceWithChicken.jpg
Chicken with Jolloff Rice. A dish that some of the more squeemish visitors can handle.

3) Fufu%26Banku.jpg
Fufu (upper left) and Banku.

4) PlantainsWGardenSce1.jpg
Boiled plantains--often served with Garden Egg Sauce.

5) PlantainsWGardenSce2.jpg
Garden Egg Sauce. Eggplant is called "Garden Egg." West Africans grow a yellow variety that has an oval shape.

6) FrdYamWFishNHotPepper.jpg
Fried Yam with Fish in Hot Pepper

7) KenkeyWFishNHotPepper.jpg
Kenkey with Fish and Hot Pepper, 2003. Kenkey is fermented and cooked corn paste that is steamed and served with meat in a vegetable sauce.

8) Red-Red.jpg
Red-red, served with any meat. Contains cowpeas (Black-eyed Peas) cooked with onions fried in palm oil (red) and plantains fried in palm oil (red.). Hence, red-red. Served with chicken, fish, or goat or any other meat. If you are vegan, this dish will satisfy you. When well made (not too oily, lots of fried onion) this dish is superb.

9) PangolinStew.jpg
Pangolin Stew, Daloa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2004.

10) Aloto_me.jpg
Aloko: plantain fried in palm oil. One of the most popular West African dishes for the Western tourist. Cote d'Ivoire, 2006.

11) ChickenLunchDepa.jpg
Chicken Kedjenou with rice. Green pods are chilis, which are quite spicy. Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2006.

12) GrandBassam03.jpg
Grilled fish Abidjan-style. Actually, the fish is deep-fried without a coating, covered with chopped onions and tomatoes, drizzled with mayonnaise and served with a hot chili condiment. Grand Bassam, Cote d'Ivoire, 2006.

13) GrandBassam04.jpg
Ateke, the Ivorian version of Gari. It is made by grinding fresh and fermented cassava together. This is dried and then steamed when needed. Ateke is served with grilled fish and meats, as well as stews. It has a lightly sour flavor. Grand Bassam, Cote d'Ivoire, 2006.

14) RedRedWTilapia.jpg
Tilapia with red-red and aloko. Ghana, 2006

15) PalaverSauceWithYam.jpg
Palaver sauce with boiled yam. Ghana, 2006.

16) FriedRiceWithGrilledFish.jpg
Tilapia with Fried Rice. Ghana, 2006

17) IMG_1623.jpg
Green-Green. This is made with Grasscutter and snail in a vegetable sauce. It tastes as good as it looks. Stan Thompson, on tasting his order said:: "Tom, this is the last time I follow YOUR advice." Kumasi, Ghana, 2007.

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Making Red-Red. Note pot of Aloko (plantain fried in palm oil), chilies, and onion. Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson

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Making Cassava Fritters for sale along the road. Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson

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Preparing breakfast for us in Ebekawopa, Ghana. Red-red (lower right) and fufu (left). 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson

21) IMG_4008_MkngPlvrSce.jpg
Making palaver sauce: chopping the greens using a machete. Note the really small machete that probably snapped in the field and is now spending the rest of its life as a kitchen knife. Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2008.

22) P8130294.jpg
Selling fritters in Cape Coast, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.
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