Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from , Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit Splash Cafe. Splash Cafe and its sister business, Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and make the trips possible.

1) KKCocoaScale.jpg
Kuapa Kokoo village warehouse with scale. 2003.

2) KKCocoaSorting.jpg
Kuapa Kokoo village warehouse with sorting table. 2003.

3) KKTruck.jpg
Kuapa Kokoo Truck, 2003.

4) KKTruckLoaded.jpg
Kuapa Kokoo Truck, Loaded, 2003.

5) IMG_1744.jpg
Kuapa Kokoo Warehouse, Accra, Ghana, 2007. This is the warehouse throough which ALL KK Fair Trade cocoa beans pass.

6) IMG_1746.jpg
Gassing beans that have an unacceptable level of insect presence. The official did not know what gas was being used. Accra, Ghana, 2007.

7) IMG_1624.jpg
Society shed in a town near Kumasi, Ghana. Kuapa Kokoo refers to the village-based warehouses as "society sheds", as a society is the village based KK organization. 2007.

8) P8140298.jpg
Meeting with Nicholas Agyei-Gyan at Kuapa Kokoo, Kumasi, Ghana. 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson

9) P8140313.jpg
Example of excellent wood-carving industry in Ghana. Doors at Kuapa Kokoo, Kumasi, Ghana, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson
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