Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from my company, Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit Splash Cafe, my sister's restaurant. Splash Cafe and its sister business, Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and makes my trips possible.

1) P8110093.jpg
Donating T-Shirts to Ebekawopa, Ghana. Pastor Samson is accepting. 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

2) P8110181.jpg
Donating t-shirts to Gyaware, Ghana. Chief cocoa farmer is accepting. 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

3) P8200480.jpg
Donating t-shirts to Zereguhe, Cote d'Ivoire. Photo by Stan Thompson.

4) P8200523.jpg
Donating t-shirts to the chief of Pezoan, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007. Photo by Stan Thompson.

5) Broguhe03.jpg
Donating t-shirts to Broguhe, Côte d'Ivoire, 2008.

6) Jukwah02_tshirt.jpg.
Donating t-shirts to Jukwah, Ghana, 2008.

7) Broguhe07_TShirtsDonation.jpg
A few t-shirts to remind them we care, even if our donations continue to be small. Perhaps the friendship is more important than the size of the gift. I believe the chief understands that even if others do not.
Broguhe, Côte d'Ivoire, 2010.

8) Depa09_TShirtsDonation.jpg
Donating t-shirts to the village of Depa.
Depa, Côte d'Ivoire, 2010.

9) AdiyawDonationScarf_med
Donating scarves to Adiyaw, Ghana
Adiyaw, Ghana, 2011.

10) Ebekawopa04_med
Donating scarves to the subchief in charge of Ebekawopa, Ghana. Son receives scarves
Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2011.

11) Gyaware06.jpg
Woman of Gyaware wearing one of the donated scarves.
Gyaware, Ghana, 2011.

12) Jukwa_Donation03.jpg
Donation of scarves to chief of Jukwa
Jukwa, Ghana, 2011.

13) Mmaniaye07.jpg
Dating scarves to the chief.
Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2011.

14) MmaniayeDonation02.jpg
Donating scarves.
Mmaniaye, Ghana, 2011.

15) Bafia09.jpg
Scarves donated to the village women.
Bafia, Cameroon, 2011.
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