Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from my company, Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit Splash Cafe, my sister's restaurant. Splash Cafe and its sister business, Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and makes my trips possible.

1) P1010166.jpg
Callomil Plus, Broad Spectrum Fungicide, Mamfe, Cameroon, 2004. Opened packages photographed on floor of forest.

2) 1010167.jpg
KOCide, Fungicide, Mamfe, Cameroon, 2004. Opened packages photographed on floor of forest.

3) IMG_5776_Ghana_Insecticide.jpg
Chemicals sold at the Agrimat warehouse in Accra, Ghana, 2009. We purchase boots and cutlasses there, and sit in the upstairs office--near the shelves of chemicals. Note the one labeled "Paraquat". Sound familiar?

4) IMG_5777_Ghana_Sprayer.jpg
Simple back-mounted sprayer sold at Agrimat, in Accra, Ghana, 2009

5) IMG_5780_Ghana_Chemicals.jpg
Imidacloprid is thought to be a cause of colony collapse disorder, leading to the massive dieoff of honeybees in Europe and North America. It is obviously being used in the cocoa industry. Sold at Agrimat in Accra, Ghana, 2009.

6) IMG_5781_Ghana_Chemicals_med.jpg
Interesting that the person who is spraying is not wearing protective clothing. Agrimat, a company in Accra, Ghana, 2009.
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