Or, a yummy way to help the West African cocoa farmer is to purchase chocolate from my company, Sweet Earth Organic Chocolates. Or, visit Splash Cafe, my sister's restaurant. Splash Cafe and its sister business, Splash Cafe Artisan Bakery donate at least $2500 every summer to Project Hope and Fairness and makes my trips possible.

1) CocoaDisease.jpg
Termite attack on cocoa tree. Batteguedea, Cote d'Ivoire, 2005.

2) MyridsInPods3).jpg
Effects of myrids on cocoa pods.

3) epa31.jpg
Predation by squirrels. Depa, Cote d'Ivoire, 2006.

4) P8180530_Myrids_Stan.jpg
Myrids suck juices and leave fungal spores that attack the internal flesh and spoil the pods' contents. Batteguedea, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007

5) Djahakro_BrownPodDisease.jpg
Brown pod disease (on the right). Djahakro, Côte d'Ivoire, 2009.

6) IMG_5789_Ebekawopa_BrownPod.jpg
Brown pod. Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2009

7) IMG_5791_Ebekawopa_Myrids.jpg
Serious myrid damage. Ebekawopa, Ghana, 2009.
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